Shimano Motor DowngradeShimano Motor Downgrade


E-bike enthusiasts often seek ways to optimize their rides, and one method involves performing a Shimano motor downgrade. This process entails reverting your Shimano Steps motor firmware to an earlier version, unlocking customization options and enhancing performance. However, it’s crucial to approach this procedure with caution, ensuring you follow the correct steps to avoid potential issues.

Understanding Shimano Motor Firmware

Shimano regularly updates its motor firmware to improve functionality, address bugs, and comply with regulations. While these updates offer benefits, they can also impose restrictions that limit customization. Consequently, some riders opt to downgrade their firmware to regain control over specific settings.

Reasons for Downgrading Shimano Motor Firmware

Riders choose to downgrade their Shimano motor firmware for various reasons. Primarily, downgrading allows for greater customization of assistance levels, torque settings, and speed limits. Additionally, earlier firmware versions may be more compatible with third-party tuning apps, providing enhanced flexibility. However, it’s essential to note that downgrading may void warranties and could lead to non-compliance with local regulations.

Preparation Before Downgrading

Before initiating a Shimano motor downgrade, thorough preparation is vital. First, verify your current firmware version using the Shimano E-Tube app. Next, ensure you have the necessary tools, including a compatible device (Android or iOS), the appropriate version of the E-Tube app, and access to the desired firmware files. Backing up your current settings is also advisable to prevent data loss during the process.

Step-by-Step Downgrade Process

1. Install the Appropriate E-Tube App Version

For Android users, installing an earlier version of the E-Tube app (version 5.0.2 or earlier) is recommended, as later versions may restrict downgrading capabilities. If using an iPhone, the process becomes more complex, often requiring a jailbroken device to install older app versions. Therefore, using an Android device simplifies the procedure.

2. Obtain the Desired Firmware Files

Download the specific firmware version compatible with your motor model. Ensure the files are unzipped and accessible on your device. For instance, for the DU-E8000 motor, firmware version 4.3.2 is commonly sought after for its tunable features.

3. Transfer Firmware Files to the E-Tube App Directory

Connect your device to a computer and navigate to the E-Tube app’s “FW” folder. Delete any existing files in this directory and copy the unzipped firmware files into the folder. This step ensures the app recognizes the firmware during the update process.

4. Update Firmware via E-Tube App

Launch the E-Tube app and connect to your e-bike. The app should prompt you to update the firmware, indicating an upgrade to the version you’ve placed in the “FW” folder. Proceed with the update, and upon completion, your motor will run the downgraded firmware.

5. Customize Settings with Tuning Apps

After successfully downgrading, utilize tuning applications like eTuning or eMax to adjust parameters such as assistance levels, torque, and speed limits. These apps offer a user-friendly interface for fine-tuning your e-bike’s performance to your preferences.

Potential Risks and Considerations

While downgrading can enhance customization, it carries certain risks. The process may void your e-bike’s warranty and could lead to compatibility issues with other components. Additionally, altering speed limits may result in non-compliance with local e-bike regulations, potentially leading to legal consequences. Therefore, it’s imperative to weigh these factors carefully before proceeding.

Legal and Warranty Implications

Modifying your e-bike’s firmware can have legal and warranty implications. Many manufacturers, including Shimano, may void warranties if unauthorized firmware changes are detected. Furthermore, increasing speed limits beyond local regulations can result in legal penalties. Always consult local laws and consider the potential consequences before performing a downgrade.

Alternative Methods for E-Bike Customization

If downgrading firmware seems too risky, consider alternative customization methods. External tuning devices can adjust speed limits without altering the firmware. Additionally, some third-party apps offer limited tuning capabilities compatible with the latest firmware versions. Exploring these options may provide a safer route to achieving your desired performance enhancements.


Performing a Shimano motor downgrade offers e-bike enthusiasts the opportunity to unlock advanced customization features and optimize performance. However, this process requires careful consideration of the associated risks, including potential warranty voidance and legal implications. By following the outlined steps meticulously and staying informed about local regulations, riders can make informed decisions to enhance their e-biking experience.